Upcoming events.
Join SWMAS at one of our swaps, auctions or monthly club meetings!

Speaker Day
SWMAS Speaker Day
Location: Portage Senior Center: 320 Library Ln, Portage, MI 49002 (MAP)
Saturday, October 2, 2021, from 9am- 6:30pm
Details and schedule: The SWMAS speaker day is a free event that features multiple speakers presenting on various subjects.
Mike Hellweg presents Adventures of Fish Breeding-Tips & Tricks and Dwarf Cichlids
Gary Lange presents The Most Amazing Rainbow Fish and Building the Best Fish Room in the World
Chuck Bremer presents TBS
Dave Hemmerlein, DJ Hemmerlein, and Ron McNeil present Collecting in Mexico
Lunch and dinner will be provided.
RSVP: Click “Going” on the Facebook Event found here:

June Club Meeting
Join us for our June Club Meeting. We will have a discussion on summer tubs and ponds.